Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Enable whatsapp calls on Android (for root only)

Thanks to a friend, I got to enable whatsapp calling on my phone today :D
Thought I'd take a shot at making it available to all phones without someone having to call you!



  • Step 1: Download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amoghbl1/bash-scripts/master/whatsapp_call_enable.sh, I'd like to use wget for this, but, to each his own!
  • Step 2: Open terminal on your rooted phone, every rooted phone has this.
  • Step 3: Run the su command, which is basically typing
    on the terminal app and hitting enter.
  • Step 4: Change the permission of the script, using the command
    chmod 655 whatsapp_call_enable.sh
  • Step 5: Run the script with the command
    sh whatsapp_call_enable.sh
  • Step 6: You're set :D If the output is something like "IF YOU CAN READ THIS, YOU PROBABLY HAVE CALLING PERMISSIONS NOW ON WHATSAPP!! :D". You can now launch whatsapp and call someone :P

 Have fun calling people with whatsapp now :P

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